Biblical Research & Education Resources

 Blaine Robison, M.A., M.R.E.


Book List for Messianic Judaism

Published 21 July 2014


Appel, Rabbi James. Messianic Judaism Class: Teacher Book. Olive Press, 2011.

Buksbazen, Lydia. They Looked for a City. Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, 1955.

Chernoff, Yohanna. Born a Jew, Die a Jew. McDougal Publishing, 1996.

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. Messianic Judaism: A Critical Anthology. Continuum, 2001.

Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. Voices of Messianic Judaism: Confronting Critical Issues Facing a Maturing Movement. Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2001.

Dauermann, Stuart. Son of David: Healing the Vision of the Messianic Jewish Movement. Wipf & Stock Pub., 2010.

Fischer, John, ed., The Enduring Paradox: Exploratory Essays in Messianic Judaism. Messianic Jewish Publishers, 2000.

Fleischer, Ruth. So Great a Cloud of Witnesses. Ha Devar Publishing and Distribution, 2009.

Frydland, Rachmiel. Joy Cometh in the Morning: The Life Story of Rachmiel Frydland. Self-published.

Gartenhaus, Jacob. Famous Hebrew Christians. Baker Book House, 1979.

Gruber, Daniel. The Separation of Church and Faith, Volume 1: Copernicus and the Jews. Elijah Publishing, 2005.

Hurnard, Hannah. Wayfarer in the Land. Tyndale House Publishers, 1988.

Juster, Daniel. Jewish Roots: Understanding Your Jewish Faith. Revised Edition. Destiny Image Pub., 2013.

Daniel Juster, Relational Leadership: A Manual of Leadership Principles for Congregational Leaders and Members. The Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations Press, 1996.

Kjaer-Hansen, Kai. Joseph Rabinowitz and The Messianic Movement: The Herzl of Jewish Christianity. Trans. Berger Petterson. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1994.

Lieberman, Paul. The Fig Tree Blossoms. Kudu Publishing Services, 2012. (previously published by Fountain Press, 1976)

Rausch, David A. Messianic Judaism: Its History, Theology and Polity. Edwin Mellen Pub., 1982.

Rosen, Ruth. Testimonies of Jews Who Believe in Jesus. Purple Pomegranate Pub., 1997.

Rudolph David J. and Joel Willitts, Introduction to Messianic Judaism: Its Ecclesial Context and Biblical Foundations. Zondervan, 2013.

Skarsaune, Oskar. In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity. InterVarsity Press, 2002.

Schiffman, Michael. Return from Exile: The Re-Emergence of the Messianic Congregational Movement. Teshuvah Pub. Co., 1990.

Schiffman, Michael. Return of the Remnant: The Rebirth of Messianic Judaism. Messianic Jewish Resources International, 1996.

Schonfield, Hugh. History of Jewish Christianity: From the First to the Twentieth Century. Public Domain, 1936. Reprinted in PDF by Vine of David Publishers, Marshfield, MO, 2008.

Edith Schaeffer, Christianity is Jewish. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1977.

Stern, David. Messianic Judaism: A Modern Movement With an Ancient Past. Lederer Books, 2007.

Twelve Sons of Israel: Dramatic Accounts of Twelve Rabbis who Searched for the Messiah and Found Him. The Messianic Jewish Alliance of America and the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues, 2013.

Wilson, Marvin R. Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1989.

Winer, Robert I. The Calling: The History of the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America 1915-1990. Messianic Jewish Alliance of America, 1990.

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