Biblical Research & Education Resources Richard Blaine Robison, M.A., M.R.E. |
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"I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you." (Gen 17:7 NASB) All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness." (2Tim 3:16 NASB) About this Section This section of the website includes articles and commentary on portions of the Hebrew Scripture, known as the "Old Testament." The title Tanakh is a Jewish acronym for the Hebrew Scriptures. The Hebrew Bible is divided into three sections: Torah (also called Chumash, "five," and among Christians as the Pentateuch), Neviim (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings). The Neviim portion includes the histories of Joshua through 2 Kings, the three major prophets and the twelve minor prophets. The Ketuvim includes the remainder of the books. The acronym Tanakh is much more descriptive of the content of the Hebrew Scriptures than "Old Testament," since "testament" as a synonym for "covenant" refers to the covenant between God and Israel inaugurated at Sinai and not a body of sacred writings. For a more complete explanation of the preference for Tanakh see my article A Name for the Apostolic Writings. Have a question on the Bible not answered by website materials? Send to |
Articles on Bible Books Below are articles that provide an introduction to various books of the Tanakh. The book of Job is generally thought to explain why good people suffer bad things. The story of Job is much more the story of the sovereign Creator God. It's His message we need to hear. (12 pp.) The story of Jonah is about a rebel prophet who rides the "whale" express to Nineveh to become the first missionary to the Gentiles. As a result he became a sign of the Messiah. (10 pp.) An overview of structure, literary character, authorship and message of the Psalms. (6 pp.) Character Studies Abstract: Jacob has been the subject of much criticism within Christianity for allegedly stealing a blessing that belonged to Esau. However, God promised to make him a company of nations that would include Gentiles for salvation. This article reviews the history of Jacob and God's covenantal plan. (20 pp.) Abstract: Many people believe that because of a thoughtless vow Jephthah murdered his daughter. Actually, he was a man of God who accomplished great deeds and hailed in Scripture as a faithful hero. (10 pp.) Abstract: This article reviews the life and deeds of Moses, with focus on his roles as deliverer, mediator, priest, elder, prophet and scribe. Moses was accorded great respect by Yeshua and the apostles. (26 pp.) Abstract: This article reviews the commonalities between the life of Moses, the first deliverer of Israel, and the life of Yeshua, the last deliverer. (5 pp.) Abstract: This article provides a summary of the life and importance of Abraham and offers a fresh perspective on aspects of his life that have been the subject of controversy. (14 pp.) Abstract: The story of Joseph is a fascinating study of a man who went from being a slave and to becoming a savior to his family and a nation, a man whom many commentators compare favorably with Yeshua. (8 pp.) The following are short expository messages delivered at a Messianic Jewish synagogue. Genesis 12:1-3 The Blessing of Abraham Genesis 12:4-5 The Company of Abraham Genesis 22:15-18 Obedience Yields Blessing Genesis 25:31-34 The Birthright Bargain Genesis 28:16-22 Jacob's Vow Genesis 29:10-12 Journey to Destiny Genesis 37:5-8 The Menace of Moral Compromise Genesis 48:13-16 Bear the Name Genesis 50:24-26 The Last Words of Joseph Exodus 1:8-10 Endure and Be Bold for Yeshua! Exodus 1:19-21 Servants of Truth and Life Exodus 2:23-25 The God Who Hears and Remembers Exodus 11:1-3 Plague, Plunder and Popularity Exodus 12:21-23 Safety in the House Exodus 16:1-3 Quit Complaining! Exodus 18:10-12 Jethro: Revelation and Ministry Exodus 22:20-23 The Call to Do Justice Exodus 25:8-9 The Dwelling Place of ADONAI Exodus 32:5-6 Sin of the Golden Calf Leviticus 4:13-15 Sins of Ignorance Leviticus 11:1-3, 8 God's Diet Plan Leviticus 13:6-7 Making Judgments Leviticus 19:17-18 Love Your Neighbor Leviticus 25:8-10 Jubilee is Coming! Numbers 1:47-49 Counted to Serve Numbers 8:1-3 Lamps for Messiah Numbers 8:9-11 Dedicated to God's Service Numbers 10:9-10 Blow the Trumpets! Numbers 20:12-13 Treat the Holy One as Holy Numbers 22:2-4 Test of Faithfulness Numbers 23:19-20 God's Irrevocable Blessing Numbers 25:11-13 Zealous for ADONAI Numbers 29:12-19 Burnt Offerings for ADONAI Deuteronomy 12:29-31 Do Not Imitate the World Deuteronomy 15:12-17 Freedom from Slavery Deuteronomy 25:14-16 Differing Weights Banned Deuteronomy 31:7-8, 23 Man Up! Isaiah 58:3-5 The Fast God Desires Hosea 14:2-4 Stop the Sinning! Habakkuk 3:17-19 Victory in the Worst Times |
Bible Commentary All commentary on Scripture incorporates verse-by-verse exegesis, with explanation of word meaning and the cultural context, interpretation of the significance of the text, and application to life. See my Commentary Writing Philosophy. Genesis: 29:1-12 Exodus: 2:23-25; 12:21-23; 22:21-24. Leviticus: 19:17-18 Psalms Psalm 1 | 2 | 19 | 23 | 27 | 37 | 90 | 91 | 103 | 110 | 139 Isaiah: 58:3-5 Daniel Overview; Chap. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 Micah: 7:18-20 Habakkuk: 3:17-20 Topical Studies Abstract: Christians are sometimes confused by the Jewish practice of substituting other words for the Tetragrammaton, the four-letter Sacred Name of God, as well as hyphenating English words for deity. This article reviews the biblical usage of the Sacred Name, as well as Jewish tradition. (5 pp.) Abstract: Evolutionists believe that the appearance and formation of the universe and the earth took billions of years. Genesis says God created everything in six days. But, how long was a creation day? (7 pp.) Abstract: A survey of the covenants God made with individuals (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron and David) and the nation of Israel, the latter of which is included in the New Covenant and remains in force. (7 pp.) Abstract: Contrary to modern doubters the flood in the time of Noah was a global catastrophe that brought judgment on a wicked population. Consider the biblical evidence. (4 pp.) Abstract: Scripture identifies a number of feasts and special days observed by God's covenant people. God's calendar should not be dismissed by Christians since all the feasts have a New Covenant meaning and most will be observed in the age to come. (8 pp.) The Hebrew Prophets (PowerPoint) An presentation covering the prophets in the Tanakh; a review of their activities and message. (23 slides PDF) Abstract: The angels are a fascinating subject for study. God created the angels to serve Him in a variety of ways and in so doing their ministry has been a blessing to the people of God down through history. The angels who maintained their loyalty to God seek no honor for themselves but give wholehearted devotion to Yeshua. (6 pp.) Abstract: A gross error frequently occurring in Christian publications is labeling the Land given by divine covenant to Jacob and his posterity as Palestine. (3 pp.) Abstract: Levirate marriage (Heb. yibbum) refers to the duty prescribed in Torah for a man to marry the widow of his deceased brother if the brother had no male heir. While many consider yibbum an outdated practice, God's expectation for the care of widows requires careful consideration. (6 pp.) Abstract: This article explains the process of marriage in ancient Israelite culture, as well as prohibitions and special provisions in the Torah concerning marriage. (10 pp.)
Messiah refers to the expected fulfiller of the hopes of Israel for
a deliverer and ruler. Based on the promises of God given
through the Hebrew prophets first century Jews eagerly anticipated
his arrival. That person was Yeshua of Nazareth. This article gives
an overview of all that was written in the Scriptures concerning the
(40 pp.) Abstract: The festival of Passover is one of the most important events in the Hebrew calendar to celebrate deliverance from slavery and death. This article provides a summary of the institution of Passover and its observance in Bible times, as well as the development of the Passover Seder and the real meaning of Passover. (6 pp.) Abstract: Many Christians believe the Lord's Day (Sunday) is for Christians and the Sabbath (Saturday) for Jews. This article explores what Scripture has to say on this subject. We should consider that God has not canceled any of the Ten Commandments. (8 pp.) Abstract: One of the mysteries of history is what happened to the ten tribes of Israel after their defeat by Assyria. Did they disappear altogether or assimilate into British and American culture? (3 pp.) |
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